The Care Certificate

About this course

The UK Care Certificate is formed by set of standards that health and social care staff adhere to in their daily working life. Designed with the non-regulated workforce in mind, the Care Certificate gives everyone the confidence that these staff have the same introductory skills, knowledge and behaviours to provide compassionate, safe and high-quality care and support.

We recommend that a new employee should complete the Care Certificate before or within weeks of starting their new role. And although the Care Certificate is designed for new staff, it also offers opportunities for existing staff to refresh or improve their knowledge and skills.

What it is

The Care Certificate:

  • Applies across health and social care;
  •  Links to competences (National Occupational Standards) and units in qualifications;
  •  Covers what is required to be caring;
  •  Will equip staff with the fundamental skill they need to provide quality care; and
  •  Gives them a basis from which they can further develop their knowledge and skills as their career progresses.

The standards of the Care Certificate

The 15 standards in the Care Certificate are:

1. Understand your role.

2. Your personal development.

3. Duty of care.

4. Equality and diversity.

5. Work in a person-centred way.

6. Communication.

7. Privacy and dignity.

8. Fluids and nutrition.

9. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disability.

10. Safeguarding adults.

11. Safeguarding children.

12. Basic life support.

13. Health and safety.

14. Handling information.

15. Infection prevention and control.

Full details of each standard will be covered throughout the course.

If you prefer to have a separate, more extensive training about one particular care certificate module or would like to combine specific selected modules, we can provide this at your request. Please get in touch

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