Mental Capacity Act 2005

About this course
The UK’s Mental Capacity Act aims to support people that may lack capacity to understand situations. In the course we will look at the five key principles of the Mental Capacity Act to ensure you have a strong knowledge of how and when to make a decision on someone behalf. Working in a person-centred manner will be at the heart of all you do in a care role, and this will be incorporated into the course materials. The link between the MCA and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards will also be covered.
This course is suitable for anyone working within the care sector such as nurses, care assistants, social workers and even friends and family of someone that may require capacity assessments.
In order to complete the course, you must achieve 80% or more in the final multiple-choice quiz.
You will earn 3 CPD points on completion of the course; this course will take around 3 hours to complete and the certificate will last for two years.
- Fully CPD registered.
- If completed online you will have instant downloadable certificate.
- Fully printed certificate posted next day.
- Covers all required legislation and practices.
- Complete the online multiple-choice assessment as many times as you need to pass.
Units covered
- Unit 1 – Legislation – The first unit of this course will look at the different legislation underpinning the Mental Capacity Act. The unit will explain when the Mental Capacity Act is applicable and how it relates to DoLS. We will also look at the protection of carers in the MCA.
- Unit 2 – The five key principles – This unit focuses on the five key principles of the Mental Capacity Act and will introduce each. We will look at each principal in this unit so that you have a better understanding of when each is applied. A number of case studies will be introduced as well so that your knowledge can be applied to real situations.
- Unit 3 – Assessing capacity – This unit will focus on capacity assessments and situations when people may lack capacity. The unit will start by ensuring you have a strong understanding of what capacity is and the situations when people may not have capacity. We will then move on to explore the 2-step test for assessing capacity and cover the link between DoLS and capacity assessments.
- Unit 4 – Making decisions in the best interests of the individual – Here we will look at the types of decisions that can be made for someone who lacks capacity and how people can be helped to make their own decisions. The unit will cover advocates and deputies so that you have an understanding of these roles, as well as the different powers of attorney relating to the Mental Capacity Act.
- Unit 5 – Disagreements and legal powers – In this final unit we will look at disagreements regarding capacity and what legal powers are available when a dispute happens. The unit will cover common disputes and forms of abuse relating to someone’s capacity. We will then cover the ways to handle these disputes and the Court of Protection’s role in these situations.